Win one for the


Outgoing Columbia TriStar Television Distribution President Barry Thurston didn't play in last year's Ryder Cup, but, earlier this month, he received recognition from U.S. Ryder Cup captain Ben Crenshaw for helping inspire the team to victory.

Thurston and one of his studio's top stars, Pamela Anderson Lee, teamed up for a video clip shown to the team the night before their come-from-behind win over the international squad. Anderson Lee and the rest of the cast of Columbia's V.I.P. series taped a comedy-filled message with encouraging messages from others, including President Clinton.

"The video from Pamela Anderson Lee helped put us over the top," Crenshaw said in his letter to Thurston.

Thurston is a top amateur golfer and close friend of PGA Tour star Justin Leonard, who sank the long putt to win the 1999 Ryder Cup match.