SNL Kagan: Only 2% of Homes to Have 3D TV Sets in 2011

Sales of 3D TV sets are expected to slow this year, with only 1.8 million or about 2% of all U.S. TV homes owning a 3D set by the end of 2011, according to a new report from SNL Kagan, which is also predicting that growth will return in 2012 and beyond, as 3D set penetration grows from about 5% in 2012 to 21% in 2015.

The Future of 3-D and Internet TV report predicts more robust growth of Internet connected TV, with the penetration of Internet TV hitting 14% of U.S. TV homes by the end of this year as 8.4 million net new homes acquire connected sets. The report puts penetration of connected sets at about 6% in 2010.

Overall SNL Kagan is predicting that about 23% of all U.S. homes will have at least one Internet-connected TV set or Blu-ray player in 2012 and that the proportion will hit 51% by 2015.

While 3D sets are moving into the home at a much slower pace, the report expects the adoption of 3D to take about the same time as HD and would be in line with previous TV technology launches for color TV, digital TV and HD TV, which took 10 to 15 years.

The report also notes that the lack of 3D content has slowed sales but that the ongoing popularity of 3D sports and theatrical films indicate that some successful business models are being put together for 3D content that will help sustain the technology in the future.