Nvision Ships First Large-Format Routing Switchers

Nvision’s latest large-format routing switchers were recently shipped to its first customers: the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints and the National Basketball Association.

The NV7256-Plus digital audio and NV8256-Plus digital video routers are replacing a large routing system in the Latter-Day Saints conference center alongside an NV5128 multiformat router, an NV3128 machine-control router and an NV9000 control system. The church also supplies high-def programming to NBC affiliate KSL-TV and PBS station KBYU-TV, both in Salt Lake City.

The NBA installed a large-capacity routing system at its production center in New Jersey, including the NV8256-Plus and an NV7256-Plus. Nvision worked closely with Sony Corp. to develop, in conjunction with Divide Research, a customized switcher/router interface protocol. Additional equipment included a number of Sony standard- and high-definition cameras, monitoring equipment, and an 80-by-48 MVS-8000 4ME Multiformat Video Switcher equipped with three channels of internal MVE800 DVE and three channels of external MVE9000 DVE.