Robert Sigman, president and CEO, Republic Entertainment, Los Angeles, joins, there, as president and CEO.

Appointments at ClearBand LLC: Kirk Bloede, senior VP, Silicon Valley Bank, Santa Clara, Calif., joins as VP, business development, Burlingame, Calif.; Jeff Huppertz, director of business development and strategy, Motorola Inc., Chicago, joins as VP, marketing, there.

Appointments at Digital Cyclone Inc., Minnetonka, Minn.: DuAnn Surbaugh, Minneapolis offices sales manager, MMT Sales Inc., Minneapolis, joins as Midwest regional sales manager; Ron Trenda, director, Weather Trends, Minnetonka, joins as director of meteorological operations.

Marijane C. Milton, director of training, media-services division, Innuity Inc., San Clemente, Calif., named VP, sales and training.