Big Love Season 2: HBO

“The second season… crackles with high drama, suspenseful twists, unexpected humor and emotion.” (TV Guide)“"Big Love" does more this year than you might expect, and more richly, more provocatively, more dramatically and amusingly, too.” (Newsday)“The series performs a deft balancing act, creating sympathetic characters in a nontraditional family that viewers care about while making polygamy look like a much bigger relationship headache than any two-person union.” (Pittsburgh Post-Gazette)“It’s the characters, and the character development, that continually lift the show out of soap into true opera, in which things writ large resonate with pinpoint accuracy.” (Los Angeles Times)“There’s lots of humor in "Big Love" this season, but it is all based in the characters and a new spin on familiar situations.” (New York Daily News)“Like the fledgling “John From Cincinnati” but with fewer side effects, “Big Love” derives suspense, humor and thrills from HBO’s signature insight: that Americans are profoundly anxious about how their families are different from other families.” (New York Times)“The show feels cold, like it’s holding the audience at arm’s length.” (Newark Star-Ledger)““Big Love” is a waste of time, and an excruciating waste of these actors’ talents.” (Chicago Tribune)

Compiled by Bryon Rudd